Sunday, March 8, 2020

Without a Paddle Amazon and Hachette and Us

Without a Paddle Amazon and Hachette and Us Without a Paddle: Amazon and Hachette and Us Hi. At Reedsy we live, sleep, and all but photosynthesise self-publishing news and discussion. Even if you were living under a rock, a massive rock, like a boulder, you wouldn’t have been able to avoid the suddenly very loudly proclaimed views of authors both traditionally published and self-published over the whole Amazon-Hachette blood war that’s been happening for over a month now. So we had to say something. In fact, we said two things. Below you can find Dave’s take, and you can find Ricardo’s perspective over here.–Well, that was a hell of a week.The Amazon/Hachette cold war is now into its second month. Hachette’s books continue to suffer difficulties on Amazon’s store, including availability issues and price increases.On Wednesday Douglas Preston released an open letter to readers. Previously it had been quietly circulating amongst authors, collecting signatures including Robert A. Caro and Stephen King. Preston et al asked Amazon to â€Å"resolve its dispute with Hachette without hurting authors and without blocking or otherwise delaying the sale of books to its customers.†Self-published author Hugh Howey responded almost immediately on petitioning Hachette to â€Å"stop fighting low prices and fair wages It’s almost absurdly comic, by the way, that this whole conversation has continued without a real, firm context of what exactly Amazon are asking for. The issue driving this could be anything from Amazon demanding discounts and charging for pre-order buttons to Jeff Bezos personally demanding Hachette deliver a plump firstborn male infant every Summer Solstice in unholy tribute. If I were a betting man†¦

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