Sunday, November 17, 2019

Paper on Drugs Essay Example for Free

Paper on Drugs Essay Drugs are chemical substances that alter behaviour, mood, perception, or mental functioning. The general perception by most people is that a drug is a bad substance and should not be used. This is true; but drugs are still used by millions of people. Many governments use millions of money in countering the growth, processing and distribution of drugs. However this seems to be a losing battle. For us to be able to control how drugs are used in society the best thing is to legalize drugs and by doing this we shall eliminate dangers arising from use of drugs and drugs trade, hence making our society much better than better than it is today. Many people argue that drugs bring about insecurity and slowing down development in society since the youth are hooked to drug’s use and marketing which is an easy way to make money. Hence they end up not going to school. This is true; the reason behind this is because drug dealing in a society where drugs are criminalised is an easy way to make a lot of money since people are paid to do it since its risky. Hence young people among the poor find selling drugs an easy way to earn their living and escape the more demanding path of working in an honest job. This causes a bad effect on the societies in poor neighbourhoods, who turn to drug dealing instead of advancing their rank in the honest world. Making drugs legal will kill this easy way out, and force the young people of the poor to struggle and gain education so as to have an honest living and gradually advance their personal and collective financial status. Legalization of drugs would mean that they will be taxed like other commodities in the market hence they would contribute to economy development. Tax collected would contribute in society development instead of only profiting only a few people in our society. The state of Georgia in the United States of America has the highest tax on liquor than any state. It has the lowest tax on gasoline, which is good especially now that gas and fuel prices are at the highest price worldwide. If drugs were legal, government would exercise this excise tax on drugs. More to this they would save on money used in prohibition. This would make more money to help us sort the problems in our country, even settle our national depts. Since drugs are illegal, they are being marketed by outlaws, who charge an inflated price for them. Much more inflated that the amount it requires to grow, manufacture and distribute them. As a result, there are increased cartels involved in drugs marketing and distribution. Eventually the end user has to commit crimes such a theft and robbery so as to get enough money to satisfy his needs, which is buying drugs at very highly inflated prices. there is a growing black market for the distribution of drugs and drug users eventually need to commit crimes like theft and robbery to support their habits. According to Thorton, M â€Å"The average crime rate in the U.S increased twice due to the prohibition on Alcohol. Once the prohibition was lifted, it decreased back to its original state.† Hence it’s expected that drug legalisation will cause a similar decrease in crimes. Parents say that if drugs are legalized, there will be more use of drugs by the youth especially in schools than before. I beg to differ and would like them to know that the motive behind Legalizing recreational drugs is not making drugs accessible to all people. The drugs that are legal today such as alcohol and tobacco aren’t available to just everyone; they are regulated. Only a certain group of people are allowed to buy and consume them. Drugs today are sold anywhere including schools since the drug trade is unregulated. By legalizing drugs trade organisations will be made and they will come up with regulations which will stop selling of drugs to underage persons in society hence drugs distribution and selling will be controlled. This is the best way out since, when do you hear of people in schools selling beer or cigarettes? In conclusion, the prohibition of recreational drugs is not necessary. The war on drugs is lost, and that is agreed on by people (William F. Buckley, editor of â€Å"The National Review) .The money saved and made could be used and be used in crucial sectors of our economy and even help in improving our society, such as settling the internally displaced people and settling our national depts. The crime rate will drop drastically and drug cartels will be devastated. Overcrowding in Prisons will decrease hence the government won’t have to release guilty people and drugs will be less accessible to underage persons. All these will lead to a better society: security, sound economy, good environment for living and children growth hence a better meaning to life. Bibliography anomymous. ( 2005, January 13 ). Retrieved march 18, 2012, from bbc news: Blodget, H. (2010, October 6). Retrieved March 18, 2012, from The business insider: Buckley, W. F. (2010, MAY 13). Retrieved MARCH 8, 2012 Cable, S. ( 2010 , July 7 ). Retrieved march 17, 2012, from dailymail: micklethwait, B. (1994). why drugs should be legalised. why drugs should be legalised. London: Libertarian Alliance. Thorton, M. (1991, july 17). Retrieved march 18, 2012, from druglibrary:

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